Brain Tumor Be Gone!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Still going well...

Dad's been through several rounds of Temador now. 5 days on, 9 days off. He spends the first day of feeling sickly, but after that he seems fine. He has continued to seem more alert and sharp. They reduced his dilatin one more time, so he seems to have settled into this lower dose well. He's still attending Tai Chi and physical therapy several times a week. I think we all feel that he's holding pretty well at this point. The next big road marker will take place in a month or so when he has another MRI. If the Temador is working, the tumor will be the same or smaller. We are very hopeful and positive that this will be the case.

Have a blessed holiday!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happy Grandpa

Good news to report. Dad is doing great so far on Temador (oral chemo). He takes it for more or less in alternating 1-week cycles. He finished his first round completely unscathed. No nausea, no excess fatigue. In fact, he has seemed a bit more energetic and downright chipper lately. I don't know if he's processing it well or if his lack of short term memory is keeping him blissfully unaware, but he seems rather upbeat lately. No complaints here.

Baby Ian received his sacrament of baptism this past Saturday night. We had a small private ceremony with mom and dad and Ian's Godparents, Shelby and Selso. The baptism was performed by our dear friends, Deacon Jim and Diane Daniels, who performed our marriage convalidation. It was sincere, moving and spiritually refreshing. Baby Ian was absolutely precious. Pictures will follow soon hopefully.

What makes this event that much more interesting is that dad has admitted to being fond of Deacon Jim - a "man of the cloth" mind you. For those of you out of touch with dad's religious preferences, well, there are none. In fact, I'd go as far as to call him an atheist. It has been my understanding over the years that dad finds religion to be something only for the narrow-minded and unintelligent. He has no concept of spirituality. This has been the center of many a heated a debate between the two of us back in the day. With that said, it makes his interest in Jim that much more remarkable. I see it as a blessing that my dad can not only find friendship in a wise, interesting, educated man like Jim, but that he can see that someone with the traits he holds in great esteem can also go hand in hand with faith. I see a window opening here and it brings me great comfort.

And talk about a blessing..... It turns out that dad has received a grant from a program of the chemo drug company that is going to cover his astronomically high co-pay for the Temador. Otherwise they were looking at a $700-$800 a month expense to get dad this life-saving drug. And the grant is good for 2 years! If the tumor responds to this drug well, he could be on it for years. I still think that pharmaceutical companies are somewhat inherently evil, but in this case, we are so grateful for their charity.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

*$&!#ing brain tumor

I was hoping that I wouldn't have to relay news like this for some time, at least a few more years. But here we are, back in the battle once again. Dad had his usual 3 month MRI today. Unfortunately, there seems to be an area that looks to be new tumor. He starts on Temador (oral chemotherapy) tomorrow. The positive news is that the "area" looks to be small and slow growing. He'll be monitored via MRI more frequently. I'll post more when I have more details. At this point, I'm just trying to digest this news and get a little more grounded.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Adios Keppra

Dad is officially off Keppra and back on Dilatin. It's kind of a big deal. This is how the story goes:

-Dad takes Dilatin for many years following his first bout with the brain tumor in 1988, but is eventually weaned off of it and allowed to be medication free for about 10 years (note: most BT patients take anti-seizure meds for life - very rarely are the cut free from this burden)
-After the onslaught of new tumor activity and subsequent 2nd brain surgery in early 2005, he's put back on anti-seizure meds, namely Keppra, to control ongoing simple seizure activity
-Downside is that these drugs make him even more "out-of-it"
-Is weaned off these drugs summer 2007 by crappy neurologist, who should have never allowed this to happen without MRI and seizure activity study
-After seizure-induced coma a few months later, followed by another brain surgery for tumor recurrence, is permanently placed back on Keppra, a drug with no generic counterpart I might add
-Summer 2008 dad falls into the Medicare prescription coverage gap/donut hole..... a long period of time when Medicare will not cover drugs.... bills start to ring up in the $100's of dollars for Keppra each month
-Mom contacts his new neuro-oncologist to find out if safe to switch him back to Dilatin, which has an affordable generic counterpart
-After several weeks of careful monitoring and tapering, dad is now full-time on Dilatin, and seems to be less "out-of-it" and a bit more communicative

Looks like the plan worked. It benefited his overall well-being, and is less of a financial burden. He's back in physical therapy about 2-3 times a week, and still keeping up with his Tai Chi class twice a week. I picked him up from class last week, so I had a chance to observe his progress in his Tai Chi moves from over the last few months. He's much improved. Overall he seems a little less weak, although bruises and scratches from falls around the house are still a regular occurrence.

On another note, dad has a new caregiver that seems to be working out well for him and mom. She's quite friendly, very helpful and experienced with senior care and is a good fit for them!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Continuing good news!

Good news from today's neuro-oncology check up. Dad had an MRI a few hours ago and just got out from meeting with new Dr. N-O. She said all looks well. Woo hoo! We love that kind of check-up. Another interesting note is that he's going to try to switch his anti-seizure meds from Keppra back to Dilatin, which is what he took for YEARS following his initial tumor diagnosis and surgery. He never had serious side effects from it, seemed to tolerate it very well and it was inexpensive. He's been on Keppra ever since he started seizing again at the end of 2004. (Not sure why they choose Keppra over Dilatin back them, but we didn't question it at the time....not until now that dad has fallen into the Medicare prescription "donut hole" and all his medications are now REALLY expensive!) The downsides of Keppra have been that it makes him very groggy, it's expensive and we also feel that it contributes to his overall "slowed-down" state. We are hopeful that changing him back to Dilatin will control seizures, be more cost-effective and help him navigate further out of the fog. Keep your fingers crossed.

In other news, mom and dad are very well settled into their new home and it looks stunning. Mom has really made it into their little haven. New pictures coming soon.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Grandpa's Girl

Happy Grandpa. Celebrating Ava's 2nd birthday last month. Adorable!
Thank you Selso for the WONDERFUL pictures. Ava loves you. :)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Drs. and Medicare...Ugh...

A challenge we've had to overcome lately is trying to find a neuro-oncologist to follow dad's case here in Dallas. It's imperative that he sees this particular kind of specialist...not just an oncologist, or neurologist, or neurosurgeon. The neuro-oncologist has the insight, training and perspective to best follow a brain tumor patient. Since dad was able to go on disability a few years ago (he can't work any longer due to his deficits), he is now also on Medicare. Alas, finding this certain type of specialist dad needs that also takes Medicare was tricky. I find the whole situation completely ironic. Many brain tumor patients eventually seek disability and hence become Medicare users. Why would it be that the specialist that needs to follow these patients would not also take Medicare, which many of them would be on?

We met with a neurosurgeon this week (which was a total waste of time) as per referral from dad's new internist. Since we couldn't find a neuro-oncologist here in Dallas that would take dad (because of the Medicare), we were referred to this surgeon and told he could follow his case. Of course, my instinct was correct and no he is not the appropriate person to follow him. All of this, of course, after going to the appointment, sending all the records, sitting through 2 nurses asking the same questions before we finally go the low down from the surgeon. Like I said, total waste of time. The good thing that came out of it was a referral to another neuro-oncologist, whom w previously were unaware of, that as it turns out will take dad's case. Whew. Disaster thwarted.

He's a month past his scheduled MRI. He's supposed to get them every three months to make sure everything is stable. I'm slightly bothered that he's fallen behind schedule. We made an appointment with the new Dr. N-O and tried to get them to schedule the MRI before the appointment, but they wouldn't go for it. So this means THREE appointments - one to meet and great and do all the paperwork, etc., one to go for the MRI, and one to meet with Dr. N-O again to review the results.

The good news is that dad is off to a great start with his twice-weekly physical therapy. And he's still regularly attending Tai Chi. His Keppra levels are now where they should be and he definately seems less medicated and a little bit more alert.

Here's a video we took awhile ago of the nightly firefly show in mom and dad's backyard. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Doing great!

Good news. Seems that the decrease in medication IS having a positive affect on dad. He's definitely more responsive, aware and, dare I say, energetic. He's still got a long way to go before he'll be truly energetic by anyone else's standards, but for us he seems to be a little bit more peppy than before. He started physical therapy this week and according to mom they are a little more hard core at this facility. He said he was actually sore from the work! He's spending a lot of time working on projects around the house and seems to be a little more dialed in to his responsibilities. All good news. It's almost been a year since the recurrence fiasco. Hard to believe it's been that long, but so happy it's even farther behind us.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Feeling better

Last week dad had a check up with a new internist. It was a very productive appointment because it was his belief that dad is somewhat over-medicated (my thoughts exactly...). They discovered that his blood pressure was EXTREMELY low and took it several times to make sure they had the right reading because apparently it was that unbelievable. Unbelievable because he's been on high blood pressure pills! So that would explain some of the overwhelming fatigue.... His levels of Keppra were also too high, so they decreased that, and took out the blood pressure meds altogether. When I saw him today he actually seemed somewhat more aware and dare I say a little chipper. I was so happy I hugged him twice.

In other news, mom and dad's neighborhood is heavily dotted with very large, shady, beautiful trees. Sadly, during a voracious storm last week, one of these scenic beauties that resided in there front yard came crashing down, narrowly missing a serious run-in with the garage. Sadly, she was dismembered and carried away. Now my shady parking spot has been eliminated. I should also mention that several other large trees in the neighborhood fell victim to these 60+ mph winds. Tree trimmers are rolling in the dough this week.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

(This letter was written by Fatima, from the oligo on-line support group.)

Senator Edward M. Kennedy
2400 JFK Building
Boston, MA 02203

May 22, 2008

Dear Senator Kennedy:

As the news of your diagnosis filtered through the air waves, we were all greatly saddened. Who are we? We are a group of brain tumor survivors and caregivers who understand the challenges you and your family is facing. We want you to know that thousands of brain tumor patients and families across the U.S. and throughout the world are praying for you and your family.

All of us have had different experiences that have ranged from triumph to frustration to disappointment. While some of us have grieved for losses, many of us boast stories of success, triumph of the human spirit and establishment of invaluable connections with family, friends and others within the brain tumor community.

Ironically, the month of May has been designated by the brain tumor community as Brain Tumor Awareness month, and this month is used to make our policy makers aware of issues that we so desperately need help with. While media pundits have been quick to highlight the morbid details of the disease, they have been too quick to ignore the stories of thousands of survivors.

As Lance Armstrong aptly once said, "Anything is possible. You can be told that you have a 90-percent chance or a 50-percent chance or a 1-percent chance, but you have to believe, and you have to fight." Lance Armstrong, like so many other survivors are living examples of what human beings are capable of achieving despite great odds.

As a champion of great causes in the past, we have no doubt that you will fight your brain tumor with your indefinite courage. We urge you to have faith and confront this disease with the amazing spirit you have demonstrated in your career through the decades.

We wish you all the very best with your treatment. As you yourself once famously said, "The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dreams shall never die." Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family in this trying moment.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mr. Brain Tumor Goes to Washington

Unless you've been under a rock, you've heard that Senator Ted Kennedy has been diagnosed with a "malignant glioma." I am saddened, deeply saddened. Such a great man, such a terrible disease. I put his diagnosis in quotes because it's actually quite vague. There are many types of glioma. And that they used the term malignant simply means that it's fast growing (the usual cancer terminology of benign/malignant falls into some grey areas [ha ha ha, catch my pun] when it comes to brain tumors). I speculate that he may actually have GBM- gioblastoma multiforme, the really bad one. It spreads quickly and infiltrates deeply. BTs are not usually solid masses of tumor cells that are easily identifiable. They are so deadly because they grow into tentacles or tiny fingers that reach into the brain, sometimes making complete removal all but impossible. As I understand it, his tumor is in the parietal lobe, housing eloquent brain function. They would do more damage with surgery than good. That's why they're saying he underwent a biopsy, which is not typical with brain tumors. It means they still had to do a full craniotomy to get to the tumor site, survey the extent of tumor (only some of which was discernible through surgery) and take tissue samples to determine pathology of the tumor and how to proceed with treatment. At this point, his best hope is that his tumor is chemo-sensitive (only some BTs respond to chemo) and a combination of chemo and radiation will shrink his tumor, or at least keep it in it's current state for some time.

And FYI, gliomas are a family name that applies to many types of BTs, one of which is oligodendroglioma, the tumor that's been haunting dad for 2o years. Dad's also is considered malignant, but again, they don't really use that terminology. His is grade 2.5 out of 5, based on the World Health Organization's brain tumor classification system.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Happy and comfortable

I'm pleased to report that dad seems to be doing very well these days. He is enjoying slowly unpacking all his boxes in the den/office....each box like a treasure chest for which he takes much time pouring over the old books, records and trinkets within. This is someone who truly appreciates their things. (One of dad's favorite sayings is "I'd rather appreciate things I can not have than have things I can not appreciate.")

He even unearthed a box of me and Jenny's old school projects... pure gold. I'm grateful that he took the time to archive these for us and I look forward to when Ava can look through these and have a good laugh and maybe learn a little bit about what I was like as a little girl.

Otherwise, dad is enjoying relaxing on the back deck and soaking up all the of natural beauty they have been blessed with in their new home and neighborhood. It's a naturalist's dream. So far we've been treated to spectacular nightly firefly shows at dusk, little green lizards that move slowly enough to let you appreciate their vibrant color, cotton tailed bunny rabbits, fiery red cardinals, many varieties of birds, unusually tame squirrels and one large turtle, approximately 12" in diameter according to mom.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Grandpa Lowell

As the lone male in our family (except of course the addition of Jose and Sony), dad is pretty darn happy about welcoming a baby boy this October. I gave him the good news today and he was very pleased.

The dust has settled from the chaos of the move and all is well in the new DeBok household. Mom and dad are feeling quite comfortable in their new surroundings and their home is really starting to look like their home. Picture show soon to follow...

Here is dad at Tai Chi last week. He's doing great!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tai Chi

Here's a quick pic I snapped at dad's Tai Chi class this morning. I seems to really like it and the instructors are really great. Plus, all the other ladies in the class seem to like dad - the lone male!
Mom arrived last night, safe and sound. Dad is still doing just great. We've been busy and having a good time enjoying each other's company. He's been very active and taking a good walk each day. He seems to me to be doing well. Yeah dad!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Craft time!

Ava and her grandpa worked together on some craft projects. Ava had fun coloring while dad drew her some birds.

Dad also had his first Tai Chi class today. Should be a good addition to his therapy. He enjoyed it and is looking forward to the next class on Thursday.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Beautiful Sunday

Today we thoroughly enjoyed our sunny spring weather! Dad and I took a walk with Ava this morning, then we headed out for lunch and a tour of the Harbor District. The Harbor is our version of the Waterfront Park, but on a lake. It has shops, restaurants, a cinema, fountains, docs, a lighthouse, a brand new Hilton, a small outdoor concert venue and plenty of room to stroll and enjoy a perfect sunny day.

And of course, Miss Ava could hardly leave her grandpa alone. During our walk, she had to make sure that he was right beside her the whole way. She cried when I told her that she needed to be gentle with grandpa and she couldn't climb all over him like a jungle gym! But she found a way to steal some snuggle time and was pleased as puddin'. Watch out grandma Rhonda! You've definitely got competition now!

In other news, mom (who's working her tail off wraping up the move in Phoenix!) is just about ready to go. All is packed up and off with the movers. Tomorrow is a day of rest with Laura, then she's off on her journey with Aunt Louise and Theresa. She should be here Wednesday or Thursday. We're supposed to get thunderstoms starting Tuesday, but hopefully they can avoid any crazy rain while on the road!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Smitten like a KITTEN!

What a day! Ava has a new best friend....her grandpa! She can hardly leave him alone. She warmed up to him real quick and spent the day glued to his side.
Dad had a great flight and was waiting for me (!) at the gate. Dressed all spiffy for travel, he was ready to go and check out his new home town. He had a good day and seems happy to be here and is enjoying his bit of rest before the chaos resumes later this week.

Friday, April 18, 2008


Mom, Jenny & Sony, Jose, Cindy, Betty & Neil, Shelby and Lori..... Thank you so much for your donations to our Relay for Life efforts. Your kindness and generosity means so much to me. I'm getting closer to my goal! And thank you to everyone that has pledged their prayers and support for our family. I am so grateful.

I am 58% of the way to my goal of $500! Woo hoo!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Relay For Life

Just a reminder, I'm in the last few days of fundraising for the upcoming Relay for Life event for the American Cancer Society. If you can spare a few dollars to help me reach my goal, click the link above and follow the instructions to make a donation online. Thank you!

Dad arrives Saturday at noon! Lots of updates and pictures to follow!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

We love you Bo!

Grandpa x2

Yes, dad is going to be a grandpa again! Yippee!

He'll be here a week from Saturday, so I'm busy getting ready. Mom will be here about a week after. More updates and pictures when he arrives!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Sad day

Just a quick note that today mom and dad's little dog Beau had to be put down. He was really sick and was really having a tough time. The last few weeks have been very tiring for mom and dad, but hopefully this sad time will fade as they continue to make their way towards their new home out here in Texas.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Relay For Life

I signed up to participate in the local Relay For Life, a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. You can check out my fundraising web page at Thanks!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Oh Happy Day

Even though Palm Sunday is a solemn day, I have fantastic news to report. Mom and dad have an accepted contract on a home here in Rockwall. It's even WAY better than the one they were supposed to get a few months ago. This house, and the neighborhood, couldn't be more ideal. I know they are going to love it. There will be so many things to keep dad busy, too. It has a nice yard with a big covered deck, a creek that runs behind the house, an adjacent green belt, walking paths through the neighborhood, parks, a community pool, and access to the lake. It's in a private neighborhood that also is home to a local private yacht club. It's only 4 miles from our house. The house is just the right size and the floor plan is perfect. Attention Oregonians, start making your travel plans now! It will be so great to have visitors!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


MRI today was clean as a whistle, including perfect arteries in the brain. Hygroma is holding steady, but is no worse. They don't anticipate any treatment for it. Dr. said he was doing amazing and he won't need another MRI for 4 months. Way to go dad!

In other strange twist, Bo, mom and dad's 14 year old Bichon, is having seizures. Maybe dad will have to share some of his anti-consulsant drugs with him...

Friday, March 7, 2008


Dad had a little stumble yesterday when he was out front by himself. He tripped and fell into the gravel in the front yard. And even though he is now better able to get himself up when he kneels down (or falls), since he was in the gravel he couldn't get up. He fell on the ring of keys he was holding, which included the truck key with the panic button. Apparently it made the truck horn start blaring, so mom came out to see what was going on. I kind of imagine dad like a little beetle stuck on his back, not able to right himself. So mom, with all her might, was able to help him up. He wasn't really hurt, although he has a little bit of a sore back. When I called today to check in, he told me the story. He is much easier to talk to on the phone now, except for the long pauses when I wonder if he's checked out of the conversation. I have to remember to be patient and let him finish because now he will, whereas a few months ago he would stop mid-sentence and just kind of check out, forgetting that we were having a conversation. For most of the past 20 years, I remember him being kind of slow in conversation. But I can definitely see how that's been exacerbated by the last 2 surgeries.

On another note, I forgot to mention that our wonderful family friend Caroline took almost a full week out of her busy schedule to go to Phoenix to visit with mom and dad. I know that dad holds a special place in his heart for Caroline and it meant a lot to my folks that she came. She was very motivating to my dad and was able to give them lots of pointers about selling the house, since she is a PRO realtor. :)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Therapy Graduation Day

Today dad was "graduated" from the out-patient rehab hospital. We had just integrated him back into their system and he went through all the evaluations as necessary to start back up. Apparently he scored very well on all of them and the therapists felt that his needs had been served and he can keep up his daily therapy activities himself at home. Frankly I was a little surprised that they wanted to cut him loose, but we can certainly add this to his list of accomplishments.

Still no word from Barrow's interdisciplinary tumor board as to what they found on his last CT. Supposedly, Dr. Short-on-Words Neurosurgeon was not at the meeting, so they were not yet able to review his case. (Don't worry about Dad people...take your own sweet time.....*sigh*) His next MRI is scheduled for Wednesday and will include an arterial scan. This will be immediately followed by an appointment with Dr. Neuro-Oncologist who will personally review his scans and hopefully report more good news.

In other real estate related news, mom and dad have had another offer bottom out on their house. As with the last, the potential buyers lost the sale of their own home, bringing everything to a halt. Fortunately, this happened early on this time. A final counter offer had yet to be executed. One of these days they'll get out here to Texas....

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Status report

Still no definitve word about the finding on the last CT, but we're on the countdown to MRI on the 12th. Hoping all is status quo. On the bright side, he's been integrated back into the rehab system.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Over the past few weeks, dad had been having some motor skill issues when he would get tired. Mom says that, for instance, after about half-way through their walk through their (tiny) neighborhood, he would start slouching over to the left and needed her help to make it home. But, mom says that he seems to be doing better recently, and he says he feels better. None the less, he had a CT scan and an appointment with Dr. Neuro-Oncologist today. Here's the shakedown:

1. The CT shows a *possible* clogging/blockage of the main artery that supplies blood to the brain. She will present his scans at the Barrow (BNI) tumor board tomorrow where all the specialist docs will discuss and make recommendations.
2. His next MRI, scheduled for March 12th, will include a closer look at this artery.
3. She feels that it poses no immediate danger.
4. She is encouraged by his progress and feels he is doing well.
5. The hygromas (fluid-filled area in the tumor cavity) may be doing a bit better.
6. He's been given orders for a whole gamut of blood work to make sure everything is A-OK.
7. She has started the ball rolling for him to re-enter rehabilitation, which was shot off course when they were going to move.

I'll post more tomorrow, when hopefully we'll have a bit more information from the tumor board.

(Maybe I should have given up worrying for Lent....)

PS- The post below was actually a short essay I wrote to be included in a collection of brain tumor experiences. A woman in the BrainTrust online support group is compiling stories from different perspectives, and is hoping to have them published.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Dichotomy of Dad

di·chot·o·my - Division into two mutually exclusive, opposed, or contradictory groups: a dichotomy between thought and action.

“Count my staples.” That was the first thing I remember him saying to me when I arrived home from camp. His craniotomy was a few weeks prior, but I’d been shipped out until then. I was so scared and nervous to be near him. And here I was, just barely twelve, anxiety-ridden and alone with dad. Our relationship had always been difficult –marred by irrational anger and frustration.

His full head of thick, almost black hair was half gone, replaced by a fresh scar spanning practically the entire width of his (former) hair line, covered in railroad track fashion with large staples. The red gash above his eyebrow was still visible, the remnant of a seizure that brought his strong frame tumbling down to the edge of a pool. I can still remember looking in his eyes and trying to talk to him to see if he was ok and again they fluttered back into his head and he fell backwards, coming out of it moments later with only a slight concern that something was wrong. My sister and I had missed the first big event that marked the discovery of the right frontal lobe brain tumor – a grand mal seizure in our living room. My mom thought he was having a heart attack and pounded on his chest so hard he was sore for quite some time, and the incident was thereafter told comically over and over again, to mask the unrelenting anxiety that pervaded our household.

And so marks the beginning of my journey with my dad’s brain tumor…or at least the point at which he was diagnosed. As far back into my childhood as I can remember, my dad was angry, tense and unable to show us love in the ways we all desperately needed. We were afraid of him, partially because we had developed hyper-sensitive tendencies and partially because we never knew what to expect. I vividly remember being so afraid and anxious when I would hear his car pull into the driveway after work that I would automatically try to run and hide. I had panic and anxiety attacks starting at about age 7 and always felt abnormal, especially being around other "normal" families. Back then we had no idea what a profound affect his tumor was having on his personality, cognitive abilities and emotion, and the mark it would ultimately leave on our lives forever. In all likelihood, the tumor had been present and growing since his childhood, only symptomatically expressing itself through seizures when he was 42.

My dad recovered from his first craniotomy remarkably well and was back to work in a few weeks. He tolerated his doses of radiation, although his gorgeous mane never would return, leaving his large, unsightly scar on display for the world to see. Every once in a while he would struggle to find a word, and would jokingly say that “they must have took that part out.” Life continued to be stressful and family life plodded along unhappily, but we all buried our heads in the sand and pressed on in denial until the tumor (or lack thereof) became an after-thought. Ten years and more passed by and we learned to forget the tumor.

As I became an adult, my relationship with my dad improved by strides, especially when I moved out of the house. I looked less at him as an adversary and more as a kindred spirit. He had lost his own father at the tender age of 11, the only person that he seemed to truly love and respect. I knew that deep down he felt a similar love and respect for me, even though it was hard for him to express. We found companionship in our ideals and I made the investment in fostering our connection. Still, times with him could be very difficult – his frustration at simple stressors would make him very uncomfortable to be around, not to mention the embarrassment of some of the inappropriate things that he would say to our family or even strangers.

At the end of 2004, 16 years after his original diagnosis, the seizures returned suddenly. Emotionally I felt like I had slammed against a brick wall. I had let his disease dwindle to a faint memory, something I never thought I would have to meet face to face again. He endured his second brain surgery, but this time it left him dampened enough that he had some noticeable deficits and would never be able to return to work. Although it turned out the seizures were being caused by a build-up of scar tissue in his brain and not a new tumor, it was just as traumatic to his body as if it had. I adopted a new motto, “MY DAD IS MY HERO.”

As the months passed, things improved, slowly but surely. My dad walked me down the aisle. He held my newborn daughter, his first grandchild. We became closer than ever.

In the summer of 2007, he was back in the ER with uncontrollable seizures, this time forcing his delicate brain into a seizure coma – status epilepticus. The only way out was another surgery. This time he couldn’t escape the tumor. Oligodendroglioma grade 2.5, scoring the exact same ranking as it did 20 years prior. The surgeon successfully removed all of it, but leaving him with almost his entire right frontal lobe missing. It took him weeks to come out of the coma. It took him months to regain enough strength to leave the hospital. It will continue to take him years to recover, although I’ve come to accept that a lesser degree of recovery might have to be accepted.

But fortunately I am an adult now, and not a child. I have control over the information and knowledge I can attain and the role I play in the process. And as an adult I can see this experience from many angles, not just the childish victim of a brain damaged parent. I can appreciate the blessings that can be gleaned and understand the gravity of what may possibly lay in the future.

My dad is a dichotomy –a sensitive, intelligent and appreciative person encased by his brain injury. The beautiful parts that I know are there are often opposed and overcome by the ire, frustration and rough language. Through knowledge and compassion I find the patience and clarity to love and be loved, for which I am truly grateful.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Status quo

Mom snapped this on a cool day when dad was bundled up outside reading, of course. She can barely tear him away from his books to do his home therapy projects.
He is still in kind of a holding pattern with the therapy because since he was officially discharged in preparation for the move (that didn't happen) it is a long, bureaucratic process to get him back into the system. He basically has to start from scratch (referrals, assessments, etc.) which is a waste of time and money, so they're kind of holding out for a possible move to happen in the near future, then the tedious start-up to therapy can begin here.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Good reminder

Functions of the brain's frontal lobes (cerebral cortex):

-How we know what we are doing within our environment (consciousness).
-How we initiate activity in response to our environment.
-Judgments we make about what occurs in our daily activities.
-Controls our emotional response.
-Controls our expressive language.
-Assigns meaning to the words we choose.
-Involves word associations.
-Memory for habits and motor activities.

Possible problems related to injury of the frontal lobes:

-Loss of simple movement of various body parts.
-Inability to plan a sequence of complex movements needed to complete multi-stepped tasks, such as making coffee.
-Loss of spontaneity in interacting with others.
-Loss of flexibility in thinking.
-Persistence of a single thought.
-Inability to focus on task.
-Mood changes.
-Changes in social behavior.
-Changes in personality.
-Difficulty with problem solving.
-Inability to express language.

Sounds pretty familiar, huh? Just a reminder that dad has been a victim of brain injury to his right frontal lobe and has been since this tumor started invading his brain....which (considering the type of tumor it is) most likely was decades before we even first learned of it.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Moving setback

I'm sad to report that the move is not going to happen at this time. The buyers for mom and dad's house have had to back out of the deal, because the buyers of their house lost their financing. So that means that mom and dad have had to back out of the deal on the house here in Texas. It's really a shame, but hopefully they will have another contract soon, one that won't fall apart in the end. Unfortunately, it's just one of the things that can happen in real estate, especially in such a delicate market as this. Mom is going to try to get her job back, all the plane tickets have been suspended, and dad will be getting his caregiver back. We'll be patient and remember that what matters most is that dad is still doing ok. Everything will fall into place when the time is right.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Dad's last therapy appointment in Phoenix was today. He is supposed to be on a flight to my house next Wednesday. I say supposed because there has been a slight hurdle to overcome with the move. I don't want to say too much, but we're hoping that everything can resolve itself and mom and dad will still be able to make the move here at the end of the month.

The therapists say that in order to re-start therapy here, we'll have to jump through all the hoops again, but they say he is making great strides and will continue to get better. I'm curious to see for myself. I've got everything all set up for him and Ava's looking forward to having her Grandpa read her stories. :)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

I'm on the dad countdown. He'll be here on the 23rd. I can hardly wait. Mom and Bo will be here around February 1st.

Nothing new to report. Still the usual roadblocks - poor short-term memory, weakness, etc. He's still working hard every day though. As soon as they get settled, he'll pick back up his therapy over here. And as soon as he steps into our home, he will be working on his in-home therapy activities! (With the company of his little granddaughter of course!)