Brain Tumor Be Gone!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Good reminder

Functions of the brain's frontal lobes (cerebral cortex):

-How we know what we are doing within our environment (consciousness).
-How we initiate activity in response to our environment.
-Judgments we make about what occurs in our daily activities.
-Controls our emotional response.
-Controls our expressive language.
-Assigns meaning to the words we choose.
-Involves word associations.
-Memory for habits and motor activities.

Possible problems related to injury of the frontal lobes:

-Loss of simple movement of various body parts.
-Inability to plan a sequence of complex movements needed to complete multi-stepped tasks, such as making coffee.
-Loss of spontaneity in interacting with others.
-Loss of flexibility in thinking.
-Persistence of a single thought.
-Inability to focus on task.
-Mood changes.
-Changes in social behavior.
-Changes in personality.
-Difficulty with problem solving.
-Inability to express language.

Sounds pretty familiar, huh? Just a reminder that dad has been a victim of brain injury to his right frontal lobe and has been since this tumor started invading his brain....which (considering the type of tumor it is) most likely was decades before we even first learned of it.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Moving setback

I'm sad to report that the move is not going to happen at this time. The buyers for mom and dad's house have had to back out of the deal, because the buyers of their house lost their financing. So that means that mom and dad have had to back out of the deal on the house here in Texas. It's really a shame, but hopefully they will have another contract soon, one that won't fall apart in the end. Unfortunately, it's just one of the things that can happen in real estate, especially in such a delicate market as this. Mom is going to try to get her job back, all the plane tickets have been suspended, and dad will be getting his caregiver back. We'll be patient and remember that what matters most is that dad is still doing ok. Everything will fall into place when the time is right.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Dad's last therapy appointment in Phoenix was today. He is supposed to be on a flight to my house next Wednesday. I say supposed because there has been a slight hurdle to overcome with the move. I don't want to say too much, but we're hoping that everything can resolve itself and mom and dad will still be able to make the move here at the end of the month.

The therapists say that in order to re-start therapy here, we'll have to jump through all the hoops again, but they say he is making great strides and will continue to get better. I'm curious to see for myself. I've got everything all set up for him and Ava's looking forward to having her Grandpa read her stories. :)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

I'm on the dad countdown. He'll be here on the 23rd. I can hardly wait. Mom and Bo will be here around February 1st.

Nothing new to report. Still the usual roadblocks - poor short-term memory, weakness, etc. He's still working hard every day though. As soon as they get settled, he'll pick back up his therapy over here. And as soon as he steps into our home, he will be working on his in-home therapy activities! (With the company of his little granddaughter of course!)