Brain Tumor Be Gone!!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Git Along Little Doggie...

Just so you're all up to speed, mom and dad's house has sold and they have an accepted offer on a house out here less than 10 miles from our place. If all goes well, they'll be here by the first week of February. Dad's docs have all given him the ok to relocate and start up with new docs here in Big D. Plan is that dad will fly out here in a few weeks and shack up at our place, then Jose will fly out there to help mom with the drive.

Dad did very well over the holidays and despite overdoing it in the hot tub once, he's back to making progress. He told me that his therapists were commending him on his good work. He did go on to say something about one of the gal's big b**bs, but we've gotten used to dad's off-color remarks over the years and chalk it up to brain injury...or just acting like and old man. :)

Sony, Jenny, Mom and Dad

Sony, Jenny, Mom, Dad, Louis and Maria

Friday, December 21, 2007

No surgery!

Good... no GREAT news. Dr. Neurosurgeon says that surgery to drain the hygroma is unnecessary at this juncture. The plan is to continue to monitor the fluid build up during his regular MRIs. Currently, it looks no worse so he's comfortable with the watch and wait protocol. He gave dad the green light to move to TX and get acquainted with new docs here that can monitor his condition. Whew!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Doing good....

MRI is tomorrow at 6pm MST. Dr. Neursurgeon consult Friday. Could use your prayers and positive thoughts for dad. We're hoping the the hygroma is stable or better and he might be able to avoid another surgery at this time. PLUS, if he doesn't need surgery right now, it will make their upcoming move to Texas easier and quicker.

He had a routine evaluation with all of his rehabilitation therapists yesterday and they say that he is back on track and is improving. The last evaluation he had, just before his first post-op MRI, revealed that was showing regression is his rehabilitation. Those tides seem to be turning! Yippee!!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Two-steppin' to Texas...

Mom and dad are two steps closer to Texas... they have a contract on the house. More details to follow as things progress. If everything goes smoothly, they should be here by the beginning of February. Dad seems well lately, so we're hoping that the hygroma situation is stable and not going to cause further problems. Should have more details on that at the end of the week. MRI scheduled for Thursday.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Still waiting...

The verdict is still out on the hygroma situation. As far as I know, there will be another MRI and a face to face with the neurosurgeon around the 21st. But dad seems to be doing ok, so we're ok with the current holding pattern.

In other news, mom and dad are still in the process of trying to sell there house. Hopefully (fingers crossed) a buyer will settle on a good price and they can start heading out this way. Can hardly wait. :)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Still waiting to hear what the Drs. plan to do about the hygroma situation. Could be surgical, which we're not too happy about. But before we get freaked out, we're waiting to hear with Dr. Neuro-oncologist and what Dr. Neurosurgeon have to say about it. The tumor board agreed that it is a hygroma, not a hematoma (cerebral fluid, not blood). Our thought is that since the surgeon is being consulted that of course he's going to say surgery...that's what surgeon's do! But again, trying not to jump to any conclusions or put any carts before any horses before we have more info.

Trying not to be a Debby Downer, but dad is more tired, less verbal, more confused and more depressed, all of which could/can be contributed to the hygroma. This is hard to handle. I like steps forward, with no steps back. I wish more than anything that he could be happy, peaceful, unafraid. It makes me sad to think of how he must be feeling. We talked on the phone today and he was definitely not himself.

BUT, mom reminded me yesterday that we need to remember that dad is only 4 months into his recovery, and 4 months post 2nd craniotomy, at Jenny's wedding, he was still pretty loopy. I remember being in tears at the reception because his mental and physical state was difficult to accept, and one too many people had commented about how he "just wasn't the same" and I couldn't bear to hear it. But then I got married 5 months later and my dad walked me down the aisle (more like the brick walkway in my backyard) and danced with me in the rain on our patio for our father-daughter dance to "My Girl." He was in a great place at that point and I was so happy. Our family was even more joyous when just a few days later I learned that I was pregnant with Ava. I digress, but it makes me smile to remember how happy we were. I'm very proud that I could give my dad such a wonderful gift - to make him a grandpa. And he loves Ava so much and he's so sweet with her. These are the joyous gifts that I should remember at times such as these.