Brain Tumor Be Gone!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Holding steady?

Life with two kids is hectic. To say the least. We've had recurrent ear infections and a big birthday party. Play groups and preschool. Shopping and cleaning. In the midst of our busy daily lives, Ava spends a lot of time with grandma and grandpa. I think it's pretty safe to say that going to grandma's house if Ava's favorite thing to do. It makes me warm and fuzzy to see the relationship she has with her grandparents, and the memories she will have of grandpa. He's quite sweet on Ava and Ian.

His last scan came back with no big surprises. The Dr. said she sees no changes, but I can't help but observe that things seem not as good as we would have hoped for at this point. He requires a lot of care, the kind that might make mom feel like she is a parent all over again. His balance is pretty poor so our fear of falls in constant. It seems like he's always got a big bruise on him somewhere. The Tai Chi class he's been taking for the last year have moved out of the area, so we've transitioned him to the YMCA for senior-oriented classes. They are a great fit for him. He now exercises 5 days a week! It's great for his health and for his morale.

And his 3rd grandbaby is due any day now (the 29th to be specific). I'm so excited for my little niece to arrive! Hurray!