Only 2 days to go, or, as dad corrected mom today, only a day and a half. He's out of the rehab hospital Saturday AM. Today he passed his final swallow test, which means that he is allowed to have all liquids, which had previously been restricted. Guess he'll finally get that Pepsi that he's been requesting for the past month.
Sunday will bring our first visit from the home healthcare aid. This person will be the one to help care for dad at home until he is totally able to do so for himself, drive him to his therapy appointments when mom is at work, and assist in any other way that is necessary. Mom learned recently that their job description includes "caring for the caregiver" as well, including housework and grocery shopping. They'll even take dad to the movies if he should so desire. All of this is welcome and greatly appreciated.
I wanted to also pass along that tomorrow morning my Aunt Mary (my dad's sister) is having a lumpectomy to remove breast cancer. It's a road I'm sad she has to travel, but we're confident that she's going to recover quickly and we pray that the cancer has not metastasized.
On behalf of my dad, thank you for the cards and flowers. I know these gestures mean a lot to him. I'm counting down the days until Ava and I make our trip out to AZ once again and I hope that little Ava will be a source of joy to dad, and not cause too much trouble while we're there!
(For a refresher on Elvis Costello's take on Peace Love and Understanding, click here.) :)
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