I talked to dad on the phone for some time today. Let me rephrase that. I talked AT dad today. He still doesn't say too much. Mom said that they watched the Oregon game Saturday (GO DUCKS) and he was unusually quiet. Let's be honest here - watching sports with dad is not known to be the most pleasant experience. There's usually a lot of yelling and cussing at the TV. So it was almost kind of nice for mom to be able to watch the Ducks with dad and not hear his colorful critique of their each and every move!
I think he's getting a visitor or two this week, which I'm sure he will enjoy. I'm kind of dragging my feet on making plans to return until I hear this elusive target date for release. It would be nice to be with him at home so I can help him more and he can spend more time with Ava.
In other health, he is still having a few issues which are making life uncomfortable for him. Hopefully the problems that have accompanied the feeding tube will resolve shortly. Mom says they're doing some sort of electrical stimulus on his throat area to help with the swallowing problems. So for now, he is still relegated to ice chips.
Much love - Darcy
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