Brain Tumor Be Gone!!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Continuing good news!

Good news from today's neuro-oncology check up. Dad had an MRI a few hours ago and just got out from meeting with new Dr. N-O. She said all looks well. Woo hoo! We love that kind of check-up. Another interesting note is that he's going to try to switch his anti-seizure meds from Keppra back to Dilatin, which is what he took for YEARS following his initial tumor diagnosis and surgery. He never had serious side effects from it, seemed to tolerate it very well and it was inexpensive. He's been on Keppra ever since he started seizing again at the end of 2004. (Not sure why they choose Keppra over Dilatin back them, but we didn't question it at the time....not until now that dad has fallen into the Medicare prescription "donut hole" and all his medications are now REALLY expensive!) The downsides of Keppra have been that it makes him very groggy, it's expensive and we also feel that it contributes to his overall "slowed-down" state. We are hopeful that changing him back to Dilatin will control seizures, be more cost-effective and help him navigate further out of the fog. Keep your fingers crossed.

In other news, mom and dad are very well settled into their new home and it looks stunning. Mom has really made it into their little haven. New pictures coming soon.

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