Brain Tumor Be Gone!!

Friday, March 7, 2008


Dad had a little stumble yesterday when he was out front by himself. He tripped and fell into the gravel in the front yard. And even though he is now better able to get himself up when he kneels down (or falls), since he was in the gravel he couldn't get up. He fell on the ring of keys he was holding, which included the truck key with the panic button. Apparently it made the truck horn start blaring, so mom came out to see what was going on. I kind of imagine dad like a little beetle stuck on his back, not able to right himself. So mom, with all her might, was able to help him up. He wasn't really hurt, although he has a little bit of a sore back. When I called today to check in, he told me the story. He is much easier to talk to on the phone now, except for the long pauses when I wonder if he's checked out of the conversation. I have to remember to be patient and let him finish because now he will, whereas a few months ago he would stop mid-sentence and just kind of check out, forgetting that we were having a conversation. For most of the past 20 years, I remember him being kind of slow in conversation. But I can definitely see how that's been exacerbated by the last 2 surgeries.

On another note, I forgot to mention that our wonderful family friend Caroline took almost a full week out of her busy schedule to go to Phoenix to visit with mom and dad. I know that dad holds a special place in his heart for Caroline and it meant a lot to my folks that she came. She was very motivating to my dad and was able to give them lots of pointers about selling the house, since she is a PRO realtor. :)

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